2024-2025 PDH Certificates (Also presentations and more, if available)
2025-01 January Meeting - Future
2025-02 February Meeting - Future
2025-03 March Meeting - Future
2025-04 April Meeting - Future
2025-05 May Meeting - Future
2023-2024 PDH Certificates (Also presentations and more, if available)
2024-05 May Meeting - Pending
2022-2023 PDH Certificates (Also presentations and more, if available)
2023-05 May Meeting - Hard Hat Tour No PDHs
2021-2022 PDH Certificates (Also presentations and more, if available)
2021-09 September PDH Certificates (Presentation PDF) (Board Presentation PDF)
2021-10 October PDH Certificates (Presentation PDF) (Video Link) (Board Presentation PDF)
2021-11 November Meeting - SMACNA Tour - PDH Certificates (Board Presentation PDF)
2021-12 December PDH Certificates (Presentation PDF) (Board Presentation PDF)
2022-05 May Meeting - Hard Hat Tour No PDHs
2020-2021 PDH Certificates
2021-05 May Meeting - Future
2019-2020 PDH Certificates
2020-03 March Meeting - No Meeting
2018-2019 PDH Certificates
2017-2018 PDH Certificates
2018-05 May Meeting - Not Available
2016-2017 PDH Certificates
2015-2016 PDH Certificates
2015-11 SMANCA Tour
2016-05 May Meeting - Gala - No Certs
2014-2015 PDH Certificates