In an effort to streamline and clarify membership information a listing of forms, procedures and links have been complied. If you have a question or comment about information posted, or lack there of, please contact the webmaster.
Have you recently moved or changed jobs? Is your information on the roster a bit dated? Be sure to update your online ASHRAE profile so the Membership chair can update the chapters files and get the correct information out in next year's roster.
How To Join ASHRAE
You can join ASHRAE at the Society's website.
Alternatively, below is an ASHRAE Membership Application Form.
Complete the Membership Application and return it to the following address, along with a check in the amount listed on the application, made payable to "ASHRAE", which covers your Society dues for your membership year:
Chip Polivka
31200 Bainbridge Rd.
Solon, Ohio 44139
Contact at
NOTE: Please be sure to fill in the Reference Section on the last page of the application.
Local Cleveland Chapter dues are $75.00 for the membership year, and include the meal at the regular monthly meeting, the monthly newsletter and the yearly roster. If you are interested in joining the Local Cleveland Chapter, include a separate check in the amount of $75.00, made payable to "ASHRAE-Cleveland Chapter" with your application. You must be a member of ASHRAE Society before you can be a member of the Cleveland Chapter.
Your application for ASHRAE Membership will then be forwarded to the Society office in Atlanta. The Admission and Advancement Committee will review/approve the application and assign a grade level. The election procedure requires 30 to 60 days.
Thank you for your interest in ASHRAE. The Cleveland Chapter looks forward to having you as a fellow member. Should you have any questions concerning membership or Society activities, please do not hesitate to contact the membership chair.
There are four main 'grades' in ASHRAE, a student member, an affiliate member, an associate member and a member. For a more detailed explanation of the membership grades click on the link below.
Membership Grades
Have you been an associate member for a long time? Then upgrade now! Print the form below and follow the instructions.
Membership Advancement Form